If you are renovating and know or suspect that any materials may have asbestos, it is imperative that you consult an expert for the removal of these hazardous materials. As we have now come to know, Asbestos is a dangerous material that among other damaging health effects, has been shown to cause cancer. So, it is crucial that you have experts who are fully trained and qualified in the proper removal and disposal of these materials, for the health and safety of yourself and others. It is not worth the risk to your own, your loved ones and others health of trying to save a few dollars by trying to do the job yourself or unqualified and incompetent workers. That’s where we here at Icon Asbestos Removal can come in to help.
We are an A- class removal licence holder. This licence is issued by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland and allows us to remove any type of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM), whether it is bonded or friable.
We also use independent hygiene services on every job we do to verify our completed works, giving you further peace of mind that our services are always completed to the highest standard possible.
With more than half a decade of working the Brisbane removing Asbestos waste Containing Materials, our team has the experience and the expertise needed.
We cover the removal of Asbestos Containing Material in Brisbane and surrounding areas for residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
One of the most common materials in Brisbane that is made from friable Asbestos is roofing. That’s why we also specialise in roof replacements (in particular, Colorbond roofs). That way you can have the same expert team see through the job removal and replacement of roofing from start to finish.
If you are seeking experts to remove Asbestos Containing Material, get in touch with us today for a free quote.
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