When looking for a property and discovering asbestos, it’s natural to be concerned. Asbestos is likely to be present in most homes built in or before the 1990s. Unfortunately, is linked to a number of health risks; when asbestos fibres are inhaled, they can cause serious health problems. Asbestosis (lung tissue scarring), lung cancer, and mesothelioma are all disorders that can be caused by these fibres (lung lining cancer).

When left intact and undisturbed, these materials pose no health risk to building occupants. These are mostly in the form of bonded asbestos cement, and they might have been used in a range of goods, such as:

Asbestos removal

  • Sewage drainage channels
  • Carpet, rug, and floor covering backings
  • Roof shingles and guttering
  • Fibro or fibrolite sheeting
  • Vent pipes
  • Insulation gaps
  • Switches and power outlets
  • Adhesives
  • Around gas and wood stoves
  • Garden edging and fence
  • Dog cages
  • Vinyl tiles

When should you be on the lookout for asbestos now that you know where it might be found? Asbestos is not harmful in its natural condition. When it is damaged or deteriorates, it becomes harmful. In situations of moderate to high exposure in the body, it has the potential to cause lung cancer or asbestosis when it becomes airborne. If asbestosis advances, it may be a very dangerous and even deadly infection.

As a result, if you’re looking to buy a home, be aware that asbestos in a friable form is both dangerous and costly to remove.

The first question that comes to mind is, “What should I do if I find asbestos in a property I’m considering buying?” Paying a few hundred dollars for a competent asbestos inspection service to identify the presence and severity of the problem sounds more reasonable than investing thousands of dollars on a property for rehabilitation. Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove asbestos materials, whether friable or not, on your own. When asbestos fibres are destroyed or disturbed, a process of release of toxic asbestos fibres is begun, which is extremely dangerous. Any process involving asbestos should be carried out by a licenced expert who is capable of securely removing and containing asbestos particles for the duration of the project.

While discovering asbestos might be unsettling, it is common when buying an older property, given how commonly it has been used in home construction and building materials for a long time. However, rather than not buying what could be your dream home, asbestos may be handled with ease once you hire an expert.

What sorts of Asbestos should you be on the lookout for?

Actinolite Asbestos: Actinolite asbestos is characterised by sharp, needle-like fibres that are easily absorbed when in the air. Calcium, magnesium, iron, and silicon are some of the other minerals contained in actinolite. Actinolite has previously been used in cement, insulating materials, paints, sealants, and drywall.

Amosite Asbestos: Amosite asbestos, often known as brown asbestos, is one of the deadliest types of asbestos. Amosite is a mineral that is predominantly mined in South Africa and has sharp, brittle, needle-like fibres that are readily ingested.

Anthophyllite Asbestos is made up of long, needle-like fibres that are easily inhaled into the lungs, just like other types of asbestos in the amphibole family. Anthophyllite is largely comprised of magnesium and iron and has a brown to yellowish hue. One of the rarest kinds of asbestos, anthophyllite, was not commonly used in consumer products but may be found in some cement and insulating materials.

Crocidolite Asbestos: The deadliest kind of amphibole asbestos is crocidolite asbestos, sometimes known as blue asbestos. Crocidolite is made up of extremely fine, sharp fibres that are extremely simple to breathe. Crocidolite is so toxic, according to research, that it may be responsible for more diseases and deaths than any other form of asbestos. Due to its lesser heat resistance than other types of asbestos, crocidolite was rarely used in commercial goods.

Tremolite Asbestos is noted for its heat resistance and ability to be woven into fabric. Tremolite, like other amphibole asbestos, contains sharp fibres that are easily inhaled or eaten. Tremolite is no longer mined, although it has been connected to several asbestos-related cancers and diseases. Tremolite is a mineral that comes in a variety of colours, from milky white to dark green, and may be found in talc and vermiculite. Tremolite was used in a variety of items in the past, including paint, sealants, insulation, roofing, and plumbing supplies.

So, how can you get rid of Asbestos?

Only asbestos abatement specialists should handle, remove, and dispose of asbestos. Asbestos abatement contractors can handle asbestos safely by according to requirements. Asbestos abatement is the process of legally and safely removing asbestos from a building, home, or worksite. A professional specialist will first undertake a visual assessment of the area to look for any hazards. After that, an inspector will remove the suspect substance. The asbestos content of the samples will be determined by lab professionals. The asbestos inspector will offer suggestions for the following steps if the samples contain asbestos. They may recommend encasing the goods or completely removing them from the area.

If you’ve recently purchased a home and your building and pest inspection has shown that there is potential asbestos in the property, give us a call. Our experienced and knowledgeable team of asbestos removal experts can inspect your home and arrange for asbestos testing.